Thursday, July 21, 2011

On Balance

In related news to the previous post, a big theme in our field--and I suspect many others--is "work-life balance". A conversation I had not too long ago led me to take a look at that term a bit.

In the aforementioned chat, someone brought forth the term "work-life negotiation," emphasizing the constant give and take of the two roles. That said, there's a new term I prefer: Job-home balance. The way I see it, my life is exactly that, my life, all-encompassing. As such, my work is naturally part of that. I'm not striking balance between two things, because those two things, by their very nature intersect and overlap. Job-home balance, however, means to me that I do my best to keep my home life at home and my job in (and around) the office. This is the balance I seek to strike.

It could drive a guy crazy!

When I began this blogging endeavor, you'l recall I made no promises as to how often you'd hear from me, but I figured I'd bubble up from time to time when I had a topic upon which I felt the need to expound. Got one!

The topic for today's #sachat was "Mental Health of Student Affairs professionals," as voted upon by participants and followers of @The_SA_Blog. I intended to participate, as I usually do when I'm free, and this topic was of particular interest: I have an undergraduate degree in psychology in addition to my graduate degree in student affairs; I'm married to a counselor, and there's mental illness in my family. So with that in mind, and knowing that "mental health" means different things to different people, I asked a simple question:

 Curtis Tarver